La guerra di Scientology contro la psichiatria e le compagnie farmaceutiche. Intervista al direttore sanitario di una delle maggiori società

7 Dicembre 2014

Scientology war against pharmaceuticals interview released


Today, Dec. 7, 2014, Examiner releases raw audio interview on YouTube with medical director of major pharmaceutical company that reveals decades of controversy including the decline of Scientology’s war against psychiatry and big pharma.

The medical director insisted on remaining anonymous and not to name the pharmaceutical company he was from during the interview. When asked about the conflicts between the pharmaceutical industry and Scientology-Narconon, he replied: “ I think the major conflicts have been through Narconon – their refusal to treat people with appropriate medication.”

“The thing is, Scientology is now so small, the conflicts with psychiatry in the past sort of peaked out in the 90s – now psychiatry is not paying much attention to it. I think it had a lot more voice in the past but the troubles with Narconon recently have weakened their position,” said the director.

“Decisions should not be left to unqualified, untrained Narconon staff if a patient requires medication for epilepsy, bi-polar or something for schizophrenia – or something the patient really needs to function. But Narconon is opposed to this.”

Scientology founder, L Ron Hubbard declared in 1966 an all-out war on psychiatry, telling Scientologists that “We want at least one bad mark on every psychiatrist in England, a murder, an assault, or a rape or more than one.” He committed the Church of Scientology to the goal of eradicating psychiatry in 1969, announcing that “Our war has been forced to become ‘To take over absolutely the field of mental healing on this planet in all forms.

David Miscavige dramatically, and somewhat bizarrely, continues attacking psychiatrists – his words backed by clips from a Scientology-produced DVD are broadcast on four giant high-definition TV screens and sensationally called: Psychiatry: an industry of death.

When asked his opinion concerning how Narconon medical managers (licensed physicians) can be associating with Narconon and not be in a conflict of interest, the medical director bluntly stated that: “It doesn’t surprise me that Scientology can find a few MDs out there off the beaten path, willing to do that. But I don’t understand how you could be a scientist or medical professional and be a Scientologist – the beliefs are incompatible.”

Being a medical director of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, the director states his views on Scientology’s war on the industry: “I think that Narconon is one of their major routes into the cult, and now that so many have been shut down and information available on the internet, they’re going to be desperate to keep that avenue open. I think you’re going to see a burst of activity, but over the long term, Scientology seems to be unravelling as the cult disintegrates.”


By David Edgar Love


FONTE: Narconon Industry of Death -blog-

Scientology war against pharmaceuticals interview released




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